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The COVID-19 Guidelines for Residential Aged Care Facilities (PDF 1.9MB) have been developed by the Department of Health Western Australia (WA) to support Health Service Providers (HSP) and residential aged care facilities (RACF) in relation to transfer of residents to and from hospital during the WA COVID-19 pandemic response.

Visitors to Residential Aged Care Facilities Directions

  • Visitors to Residential Aged Care Facilities Directions (no 5) (external site) Directions No 5 apply inside the “Affected Area”. The affected area refers to the following regions of Western Australia: (a) the Metropolitan region described in Schedule 3 to the Planning and Development Act 2005 (WA) (Planning Act); (b) the Peel Region described in item 6 of Schedule 4 to the Planning Act; (c) the South West Region described in item 8 of Schedule 4 to the Planning Act.

  • Visitors to Residential Aged Care Facilities Directions (no 4) (external site)

  • Residential Aged Care Facility (RACF):Flu vaccination 2020 (PDF 158KB) – this document explains what is meant by an ‘up to date’ vaccination

  • Introduction of the controlled interstate border: Advice for Residential Aged Care Facilities (RACFs) on staff and visitors from other states attending RACFs (PDF 18KB)

  • Residential aged care facilities frequently asked questions (PDF 190KB)

Preparedness resources

  • Residential Aged Care Prevention and Preparedness Information Pack (Word 284KB)

  • Outbreak Line Listing Form (Word 47KB).

If you are an aged care facility wishing to share a resource with your sector colleagues on this page, please send through to ensuring that you have received any appropriate approvals from your organisation beforehand.

COVID-19 Residential Aged Care Facility Outbreak Response Plan webinar

The aim of the webinar is to provide a current update on the state of COVID-19 in WA and an overview of COVID-19 Residential Aged Care Facilities Outbreak Plan with an opportunity for participants to ask questions.


  • Dr Andrew Robertson, Chief Health Officer WA Department of Health;

  • Dr Robyn Lawrence, State Health Incident Controller and Deputy Chief Health Officer, Clinical Services;

  • Gail Milner, Executive Director, WA Department of Health; and

  • Kylie Mulcahy, Lead, COVID-19 SHICC Planning Cell

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